13 is a prime number and has an underground connection to cicadas – check out week 17 for more.
13 is a prime number and has an underground connection to cicadas – check out week 17 for more.
Let's call this 12.5
Week 12.5 of the countUP went out with an error in it. Jack must have stamped his hoof in the wrong place. Very irritating for anyone who actually wanted to know what the sum back in week 2 actually was. This time the link works - I hope!
The answer is still ‘twelve plus one’.
Is that the unmistakeable thunder of galloping horses? Looks like it might be.
I'm interrupting this blog count down (or rather count up) with the special announcement that Horse of a Different Colour is now available as an audiobook.
All the new cast is now embedded in the book,
that includes Solo, Fmelodie, Tristan and Starlight Piglet, but Megan and Amy
haven't properly met them all. At least not - as Amy would say - been
introduced in a 'pleased to meet you' kind of way. In fact, Megan isn't quite
sure she wants to meet Tristan properly. She has a feeling they've already met
and that she didn't do well out of the encounter.
not planning to get to week 1000, but I have a neat 1000 fact so I’ll put it
here. It’s about the letter ‘a’. Although not as common as ‘e’, it is the
second commonest vowel in the English language. Yet how many times would it
appear if you were to write out the numbers from 0 to 1000?
(surprisingly): just once.
is still a countUP but before too long it'll be a countDOWN,
We’re now in week 10 of the count up. Do you remember that
back in week 6 I said that there was a connection to the number 10? It is
that 10 factorial (usually written 10! And meaning 10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1) equals
the exact number of seconds in 6 weeks.