Exciting news: the adventures of Megan, Amy, Jack and all the people mentioned in the professor's video HERE are getting close to a first full draft of a book, but this means things are getting busy and there isn't always time to remember which week of the count up we've reached (but I'll try) so for this final stretch towards the finish line, let's do something different.
Is anyone out there heading towards their GCSE Maths and feeling worried that they might not do very well? Here are some top tips for top marks:
If your first thought is evasion
At the sight of an equation
And you'd like to up your mark
But you're totally in the dark
Then try this neat persuasion
From a YouTuber named Clarke
In the video, Jake mentions Corbettmaths. Find them HERE.
And by the way, it's week 18 this week, but who's counting?