Just for fun this week here are 22 horse animations:
Friday, 28 May 2021
Friday, 21 May 2021
It might look impossible, but it's not
As this is week 21 of the count up *and* it happens to be the 21st of the month, here is a problem involving the number 21:-
9 + 10 = 21
Is that impossible?
Turns out it’s not.
In fact there are many ways to make it true, but they involve dealing in number bases. So if number bases are not your thing, forget that side of things, and just enjoy this video from Presh Talwalker for its fascinating insight into the history of numbers.
And this is why we're doing a countUPFriday, 14 May 2021
A really weird sum
If ONE costs £1 and TWO costs £2 and ELEVEN costs £11, would
it seem obvious to you that TWELVE costs £12?
And could you show why?
Here’s a handy hint: if you rearrange the letters in this:
“TWO PLUS ELEVEN” you can make this “ONE PLUS TWELVE” and both answers are the
And here’s Presh Talwalker talking through the whole story:
Friday, 7 May 2021
Some useful tips for GCSE English Language
Last week we looked at GCSE Maths and some useful tips to get good marks. Here’s Jake again talking about English Language
For those who are counting, this is week 19 of the countUP