Friday, 15 January 2021

Week 3 - a sneak preview of Megan and Amy's favourite game

Megan and Amy find themselves entangled in trying to keep a secret that they're not even sure they know, but in between times they like to relax and play board games - sometimes they allow mums and dads to play, sometimes they don't. 

Their current favourite is The Gorgon's Loch.

This is a real game. It's due to be out shortly before Horse of the Same Colour, and you can get yourself first in the queue for a copy by heading over to the project page and signing up. It costs just the same whether you buy now or later BUT Megan advises you to buy now because there are some really cool add-ons that won't be available later.

Go and take a look on THIS LINK and leave a comment to say what you think.


Here's a cool fact about the number 3: Somewhere between 3 and 4 is the mathematical constant, Pi. It can be defined as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, and is approximately equal to 3.142 but you can keep those decimal points going forever.

For an explanation of why this is a countUP and not a countDOWN, CLICK HERE for the New Year post 

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