Friday, 19 February 2021

Week 8 of the count up


This week I’m using the fact that 4 + 4 = 8.

Pick any 4-digit number (it must contain at least 2 different digits, so it could be 4985, or 5583 etc but not 5555)

1.     Write the digits in ascending order e.g. 4985 would become 4589

2.     Now write the digits in descending order e.g. 4985 would become 9854

3.     Now subtract the smaller number from the larger e.g. 9854 minus 4589 equals 5265

Now start again at 1 with this new number, and eventually you will end up with 6174, no matter where you start. The number 6174 is known as Kaprekar’s constant


For an explanation of why this is a countUP and not a countDOWN, CLICKHERE for the New Year post

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