Friday, 26 February 2021

Week 9 of the count up


Nine is an interesting number to multiply. If you add together the digits of the answer, you always end up back with 9.

2 * 9 = 18

Add together 1 and 8 et voila! 9

Or really go mad and try something bigger:

56 * 9 = 504

5+0+4 = 9

And even where you don’t immediately get back to 9, then add together the numbers of the answer until you get back to a single digit and it will always be 9.

55 * 9 = 495

4+9+5 = 18

1+8 = 9.


For an explanation of why this is a countUP and not a countDOWN, CLICKHERE for the New Year post

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